Filtering rows based on column values in spark dataframe scala

Hi I found the solution using Window and self join.

val data = Seq((3,0,2),(3,1,3),(3,0,1),(4,1,6),(4,0,5),(4,0,4),(1,0,7),(1,1,8),(1,0,9),(2,1,10),(2,0,11),(2,0,12)).toDF("id", "value","sorted")

| id|value|sorted|
|  3|    0|     2|
|  3|    1|     3|
|  3|    0|     1|
|  4|    1|     6|
|  4|    0|     5|
|  4|    0|     4|
|  1|    0|     7|
|  1|    1|     8|
|  1|    0|     9|
|  2|    1|    10|
|  2|    0|    11|
|  2|    0|    12|

val sort_df=data.sort($"sorted")

| id|value|sorted|
|  3|    0|     1|
|  3|    0|     2|
|  3|    1|     3|
|  4|    0|     4|
|  4|    0|     5|
|  4|    1|     6|
|  1|    0|     7|
|  1|    1|     8|
|  1|    0|     9|
|  2|    1|    10|
|  2|    0|    11|
|  2|    0|    12|

var window=Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("$sorted")


val minIdx=sort_idx.filter($"value"===1).groupBy("id").agg(min("count_index")).toDF("idx","min_idx")

val result_id=sort_idx.join(minIdx,($"id"===$"idx") &&($"count_index" <= $"min_idx"))

| id|value|sorted|count_index|idx|min_idx|
|  1|    0|     7|          1|  1|      2|
|  1|    1|     8|          2|  1|      2|
|  2|    1|    10|          1|  2|      1|
|  3|    0|     1|          1|  3|      3|
|  3|    0|     2|          2|  3|      3|
|  3|    1|     3|          3|  3|      3|
|  4|    0|     4|          1|  4|      3|
|  4|    0|     5|          2|  4|      3|
|  4|    1|     6|          3|  4|      3|

Still looking for a more optimized solutions.Thanks

One way is to use monotonically_increasing_id() and a self-join:

val data = Seq((3,0),(3,1),(3,0),(4,1),(4,0),(4,0)).toDF("id", "value")
| id|value|
|  3|    0|
|  3|    1|
|  3|    0|
|  4|    1|
|  4|    0|
|  4|    0|

Now we generate a column named idx with an increasing Long:

val dataWithIndex = data.withColumn("idx", monotonically_increasing_id())
// dataWithIndex.cache()

Now we get the min(idx) for each id where value = 1:

val minIdx = dataWithIndex
               .filter($"value" === 1)
               .toDF("r_id", "min_idx")

Now we join the min(idx) back to the original DataFrame:

  ($"r_id" === $"id") && ($"idx" <= $"min_idx")
).select($"id", $"value").show
| id|value|
|  3|    0|
|  3|    1|
|  4|    1|

Note: monotonically_increasing_id() generates its value based on the partition of the row. This value may change each time dataWithIndex is re-evaluated. In my code above, because of lazy evaluation, it's only when I call the final show that monotonically_increasing_id() is evaluated.

If you want to force the value to stay the same, for example so you can use show to evaluate the above step-by-step, uncomment this line above:

//  dataWithIndex.cache()