Filtering Outliers - how to make median-based Hampel Function faster?

A Pandas solution is several orders of magnitude faster:

def hampel(vals_orig, k=7, t0=3):
    vals: pandas series of values from which to remove outliers
    k: size of window (including the sample; 7 is equal to 3 on either side of value)
    #Make copy so original not edited
    #Hampel Filter
    L= 1.4826
    threshold= t0 *L * median_abs_deviation

Timing this gives 11 ms vs 15 seconds; vast improvement.

I found a solution for a similar filter in this post.

Solution by @EHB above is helpful, but it is incorrect. Specifically, the rolling median calculated in median_abs_deviation is of difference, which itself is the difference between each data point and the rolling median calculated in rolling_median, but it should be the median of differences between the data in the rolling window and the median over the window. I took the code above and modified it:

def hampel(vals_orig, k=7, t0=3):
    vals: pandas series of values from which to remove outliers
    k: size of window (including the sample; 7 is equal to 3 on either side of value)
    #Make copy so original not edited
    vals = vals_orig.copy()
    #Hampel Filter
    L = 1.4826
    rolling_median = vals.rolling(window=k, center=True).median()
    MAD = lambda x: np.median(np.abs(x - np.median(x)))
    rolling_MAD = vals.rolling(window=k, center=True).apply(MAD)
    threshold = t0 * L * rolling_MAD
    difference = np.abs(vals - rolling_median)
    Perhaps a condition should be added here in the case that the threshold value
    is 0.0; maybe do not mark as outlier. MAD may be 0.0 without the original values
    being equal. See differences between MAD vs SDV.
    outlier_idx = difference > threshold
    vals[outlier_idx] = rolling_median[outlier_idx] 