Sharepoint - Filter view by current year

In the Filter settings of a View you can only use [Today] as is, you can do simple +- calculations but you can not use Functions.

Remember: Do not add spaces in your View Filter calculations: [Today]-7

So you need to add two Calculated Columns calculating



and december31st


and then compare in your View Filter if [Today] is between those dates

You will need to use some workaround as mentioned below.

1) Create two calculated columns Start Year and End Year

2) Start Year = DATE(YEAR([Expiry Date]),1,1)

3) End Year = DATE(YEAR([Expiry Date]),12,31)

4) Create a View and Filter Condition will be

Start Year is Less Than or Equal to [TODAY] AND End Year is Greater Than Equal To [TODAY]

You can try this workaround:

1) Create a calculated column StartYear = DATE(YEAR([your date field]),1,1)

2) Create a calculated column EndYear = DATE(YEAR([Expiry Date]),12,31)

3) Create a View and Filter:

StartYear is Less Than or Equal to [TODAY] AND EndYear is Greater Than Equal To [TODAY]



