Filter a .CSV file based on the 5th column values of a file and print those records into a new file

awk -F '","'  'BEGIN {OFS=","} { if (toupper($5) == "STRING 1")  print }' file1.csv > file2.csv 


"12310","42324564756","a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas","string 1","USD","12","70%","08/01/2013",""
"23525","74535243123","string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas","string 1","CAND","744","70%","05/06/2013",""

I think This is What you want.

The problem with CSV is that there is no standard. If you need to deal with CSV-formatted data often, you might want to look into a more robust method rather than just using "," as your field separator. In this case, Perl's Text::CSV CPAN modules are exceptionally well-suited to the job:

$ perl -mText::CSV_XS -WlanE '
    BEGIN {our $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new;} 
    my @fields = $csv->fields(); 
    print if $fields[4] =~ /string 1/i;
' file1.csv
"12310","42324564756","a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas","string 1","USD","12","70%","08/01/2013",""
"23525","74535243123","string , with commas, and - hypens and: semicolans","string with or, without commas","string 1","CAND","744","70%","05/06/2013",""