Fill a square with radial fading

Rewriting your code, you can use the main square as a \clip, then place a circle at the lower left with a radius equal to the square's side. You can then apply a path fading to this circle.

Also, switch from minimal to standalone for single graphics.


enter image description here


\tikzfading[name=fade out, 
    inner color=transparent!0,
    outer color=transparent!100]


    \clip[preaction={fill=ok, draw=black}] (0,0) rectangle (6,6);
    \fill[bad, path fading=fade out, draw=none] (0,0) circle (6cm);

I think you are looking for a shading instead.

{sw radial}%
\pgfuseshading{sw radial}


  \shade[inner color=yellow,outer color=blue,shading=sw radial] 
        (0,0) -- (0,6) -- (6,6) -- (6,0) -- cycle;


Now because I'm lazy I quickly snatched the defition of the predefined radial shading and fiddled with it. That has one consequence: you have to write the name of the shading after the inner outer color specification. Otherwise it will automatically assume shading=radial.

And I'm colorblind so you can adjust the transition better.

enter image description here

I'm not clear what you are trying to do: possibly what Alenanno suggested; possibly something else. Here are some possible something elses. The first 3 seem plausible interpretations. The lower right one is just because I ran out of plausible interpretations and didn't like the resultant asymmetry.

3 plaus

\documentclass[border=10pt,multi,tikz]{standalone}% never use minimal for examples - it isn't suitable
    \clip (0,0) rectangle (6,6);
    \fill [inner color=ok, outer color=bad] (0,0) circle ({6*(sqrt(2))});
    \draw [black,thick] (0,0) circle (5.5);
    \clip (0,0) -- ++(5.5,0) arc (0:90:5.5) -- cycle;
    \fill [inner color=ok, outer color=bad] (0,0) circle ({5.5*(sqrt(2))});
    \clip (6,6) |- ++(-0.5,-6) arc (0:90:5.5) |- cycle;
    \fill [inner color=ok, outer color=bad] (0,0) circle ({6*(sqrt(2))});
    \clip (6,6) |- ++(-0.5,-6) arc (0:90:5.5) |- cycle;
    \fill [inner color=ok, outer color=bad] ({2.75*(sqrt(2))},{2.75*(sqrt(2))}) circle ({3.5*(sqrt(2))});