File organization for sharing ArcGIS python code

At 10.1 and 10.2 the Toolshare Folders that you illustrated seem no longer to be documented.

I suspect this is because the current recommendation would be to use Geoprocessing Packages rather than Toolshare Folders:

Geoprocessing packages are created from one or more results in the Results window. All the data and tools used to create the result are included in the package. You can add additional files to the package, such as text documents, slide shows, and compressed ZIP files. Your colleague unpacks the package to immediately begin using its contents.

In terms of organizational best practice the way I store toolboxes and any Python code they use is in the same folder structure that can still be used to assist distributing them i.e. Toolshare Folder structure.

I have been using Google Drive to share Python scripts and script tools between colleagues. All of the scripts are stored in a shared folder along with an ArcGIS toolbox, which contains all of the linked script tools (and models). There are several benefits to this approach: 1) Everyone works off the same script versions, 2) You can set write or read-only privileges, and 3) Collaboration, for example, across different workplaces, universities and countries is much easier with Google Drive than than trying to set user access on a server you may or may not administer.