fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory

I finally found the answer :) and I will write it here to help.

Project>"YOURPROJECT" Properties>C/C++>General>Additional Include Directories then select where you downloaded your library . This worked and all the above didn't, so make sure not to forget it .

I installed boost from the installer. It installs the library in c:\program files\boost.

Add the directory to your project's properties like the below

enter image description here

Please note that you need to add the path of "boost" directory in both 64bit and 32bit configurations. While adding the path, make sure to select appropriate platform (64bit or 32bit) depending upon your need. If you compile in both versions, you need add both.

Boost library directory is valid for both the above configurations.



