Fastest way to create a mock Activity for testing

With androidX libraries, you can use ActivityScenario. Simply import androidTestImplementation("androidx.test:core:1.2.0") in your app.gradle file

Then, in your instrumented test, import ActivityScenario and launch the activity with:


fun testActivity() {
    ActivityScenario.launch( { activity ->
        // do something with your activity instance

Solved! Here's what I did:

  • In the test project, I removed the target package in the instrumentation tab and added it again pointing to the test project base package, where the mock activity is.
  • Added the target library as an Android Library in my test project. (Right click over test project -> properties -> Android -> Library -> added the target library).
  • Added the mock activity in the test project manifest.
  • To solve the exception I posted above, just replaced the test case constructor with this one:

        public LibraryTest() {

Now that works and I can successfully launch dialogs. But in my brief research I stumbled upon Robotium. This library is just amazing. It is not needed for what I was trying to do at first, but I found it very useful to test GUIs in an automated way. Now I have a fresh new activity recreated in each setUp call.