Fast way of finding most and least significant bit set in a 64-bit integer

One of the ways of doing this, that is described on the Bit Hacks page linked in the question is leveraging De Bruijn sequence. Unfortunately this page does not give a 64-bit version of said sequence. This useful page explains how De Bruijn sequences can be constructed, and this one gives an example of the sequence generator written in C++. If we adapt the given code we can generated multiple sequences, one of which is given in the C# code below:

public static class BitScanner
    private const ulong Magic = 0x37E84A99DAE458F;

    private static readonly int[] MagicTable =
        0, 1, 17, 2, 18, 50, 3, 57,
        47, 19, 22, 51, 29, 4, 33, 58,
        15, 48, 20, 27, 25, 23, 52, 41,
        54, 30, 38, 5, 43, 34, 59, 8,
        63, 16, 49, 56, 46, 21, 28, 32,
        14, 26, 24, 40, 53, 37, 42, 7,
        62, 55, 45, 31, 13, 39, 36, 6,
        61, 44, 12, 35, 60, 11, 10, 9,

    public static int BitScanForward(ulong b)
        return MagicTable[((ulong) ((long) b & -(long) b)*Magic) >> 58];

    public static int BitScanReverse(ulong b)
        b |= b >> 1;
        b |= b >> 2;
        b |= b >> 4;
        b |= b >> 8;
        b |= b >> 16;
        b |= b >> 32;
        b = b & ~(b >> 1);
        return MagicTable[b*Magic >> 58];

I also posted my C# port of the sequence generator to github

Another related article not mentioned in the question with decent cover of De Bruijn sequences, can be found here.

The fastest way to get most significant bit at IL code should be a float conversion and accessing the exponent bits.

Save code:

int myint = 7;
int msb = (BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(myint) >> 23) - 0x7f;

An even faster way would be the msb and lsb cpu instructions. As mentioned by phuclv it got availibele at .Net Core 3.0 so I addded a test that is unfortunately not much faster.

As requested here are the BenchmarkDotNet results for 10000 coverts of uint and ulong. The speedup was factor 2 so the BitScanner solution is fast, but can't beat native float conversion.

           Method |     Mean |    Error |   StdDev | Ratio
BitScannerForward | 34.37 us | 0.420 us | 0.372 us |  1.00
BitConverterULong | 18.59 us | 0.238 us | 0.223 us |  0.54
 BitConverterUInt | 18.58 us | 0.129 us | 0.121 us |  0.54
     NtdllMsbCall | 31.34 us | 0.204 us | 0.170 us |  0.91       
 LeadingZeroCount | 15.85 us | 0.169 us | 0.150 us |  0.48

.NET Core 3.0 added BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount and BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount so you can use them directly. They'll be mapped to the x86's LZCNT/BSR and TZCNT/BSF instructions, hence extremely efficient

int mostSignificantPosition = 63 - BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(0x1234L);
int leastSignificantPosition = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(0x1234L);

Alternatively the most significant bit's position can be calculated like this

int mostSignificantPosition = BitOperations.Log2(x - 1) + 1

As per my comment, this is a function in C# to count leading zero bits modified for a 64 bit integer.

public static UInt64 CountLeadingZeros(UInt64 input)
    if (input == 0) return 64;

    UInt64 n = 1;

    if ((input >> 32) == 0) { n = n + 32; input = input << 32; }
    if ((input >> 48) == 0) { n = n + 16; input = input << 16; }
    if ((input >> 56) == 0) { n = n + 8; input = input << 8; }
    if ((input >> 60) == 0) { n = n + 4; input = input << 4; }
    if ((input >> 62) == 0) { n = n + 2; input = input << 2; }
    n = n - (input >> 63);

    return n;

If you're using a newer version of C#, check to see if this is built-in per the answer below.