Fargate vs Lambda, when to use which?

It is important to notice that with Lambda you don't need to build, secure, or maintain a container. You just worry about the code. Now as mentioned already, Lambda has a max run time limit and 3GB memory limit (CPU increases proportionally). Also if it is used sporadically it may need to be pre-warmed (called on a schedule) for extra performance.

Fargate manages docker containers, which you need to define, maintain and secure. If you need more control of what is available in the environment where your code runs, you could potentially use a container (or a server), but that again comes with the management. You also have more options on Memory/CPU size and length of time your run can take to run.

Even for an API server as you mentioned you could put API gateway in front and call Lambda.

As Mark has already mentioned, you can Lambda + API Gateway to expose your lambda function as API. But lambda has significant limitations in terms of function executions. There are limitations on the programming languages supported, memory consumption and execution time (It was increased to 15 mins recently from the earlier 5 mins). This is where AWS Fargate can help by giving the benefits of both container world and Serverless (FaaS) world. Here you worry only about container (its CPU, memory requirements, IAM policies..) and leave the rest to Amazon ECS by choosing Fargate launch type. ECS will choose the right instance type, manage your cluster, it's auto scaling, optimum utilization.

That's the start of a good analogy. However Lambda also has limitations in terms of available CPU and RAM, and a maximum run time of 15 minutes per invocation. So anything that needs more resources, or needs to run for longer than 15 minutes, would be a better fit for Fargate.

Also I'm not sure why you say something is a better fit for Fargate because you "always need at least one instance running". Lambda+API Gateway is a great fit for API calls. API Gateway is always ready to receive the API call and it will then invoke a Lambda function to process it (if the response isn't already cached).