'Failed to unlink socket file" error in MongoDB 3.0

This issue occurs when you use the command


Before using the command

sudo service mongod start

To fix the issue, either:

Set appropriate permissions on the file:



Remove the file



sudo service mongod start && mongod

Alternative to the answer provided by KurioZ7, you can simply set the permissions of the .sock file to the current user:

sudo chown `whoami` /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock

This does the trick for me if I want to run mongod without sudo. If I delete the file like in KurioZ7s answer, I will simply get the same error the next time I restart my machine.

I have fixed this issue myself, by deleting the mongodb-27017.sock file . I ran the service after deleting this file, which worked fine. However, I am still not sure the root cause of the issue. The output of the command ls - lat /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock is now

srwx------ 1 mongodb nogroup 0 Apr 23 06:24 /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock