Failed to resolve:

After you downloaded the latest support library with your sdk manager, you can set that version in your gradle file.

If you downloaded 23.0.1 set it like this:

compile ''

EDIT: Also note following hint, given by Android Studio, when using + in Version number:

Avoid using + in version numbers; can lead to unpredictable and unrepeatable builds (

Using + in dependencies lets you automatically pick up the latest available version rather than a specific, named version. However, this is not recommended; your builds are not repeatable; you may have tested with a slightly different version than what the build server used. (Using a dynamic version as the major version number is more problematic than using it in the minor version position.)

Edit build.gradle

Replace '' with ''

Sync It

May be this will help you. If in case this will not work i.e. show error then see for installation of app-compat in "%homepath%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\appcompat-v7"

Search for the oldest version and put the version number at xx: ''

I installed Java and Android Studio today.

When creating my first project with API level 15 as minSDK, I faced the same problem.

As far as I can tell, it seems the installation of the sdk works not pretty well. For me, API level 15 had only the SDK platform. API level 23 had platform and sources. I don't remember, which tools where installed.

To solve the problem, I started the sdk manager (old version), removed api level 15 completely and installed api level 23 as suggested. After that, a newly created project (again with minSDK 15) was properly created.

The difference in the app/build.gradle file is obvious.

Maybe this helps other people facing the same issues, or one of the gurus can further explain, what happened.

Kind Regards