Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:jar:2.4

Two possible situations :

  • Your company uses a proxy to connect to the public Maven repository. Then ask someone in your company what the IP address of the proxy is then put it in your settings.xml file

  • Your company has its/their own Maven repository/ies (Nexus repository for example). Then ask someone in your company what the Nexus repository is then put it in your pom.xml or in your settings.xml. See Adding maven nexus repo to my pom.xml and

It may happen, e.g. after an interrupted download, that Maven cached a broken version of the referenced package in your local repository.

Solution: Manually delete the folder of this plugin from cache (i.e. your local repository), and repeat maven install.

How to find the right folder? Folders in Maven repository follow the structure:


is cached in ${USER_HOME}\.m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-source-plugin\2.4

Update the apache-maven-3.5.0-bin\apache-maven-3.5.0\conf\settings.xml file.

Check your internet explorer proxy --> Setting --> Internet explorer -->Connection --> LAN Setting



Maven 3