Failed to install wsgiref on Python 3

According to this line SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print', I think it needs Python 2.x to run the Whether to use parentheses in print is the different syntax of Python 2 and Python 3.

This is the solution from the Github issue:

There are a few fixes that will get you running, in order of least work to most:

  1. Switch over to python2.7 for your will installs.

  2. Try to upgrade wsgiref with pip install --upgrade wsgiref, and see if the latest version works with your setup, and with will (if it doesn't, you'd notice the http/webhooks stuff not working.

  3. If you try 2) and it works, submit a PR here with the upgraded version in requirements.txt. (You can find out what versions you've got by using pip freeze).

You can find more about the syntax difference here

wsgiref is already been included as a standard library in Python 3... So in case if you are trying with Python 3 just go ahead and import wsgiref thats it.