Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not find artifact

We have faced this issue. After couple of hours, we figured it is disk space issue in internal repository.

Have you tried to add the server in your settings.xml file? The default settings xml is located in your ~/.m2/ directory. Should contain something like that:


Here is a link to the maven doc for adding servers.

One other thing which might be a shot in the dark. I've noticed you are trying to connect to what the url suggests might be a Jenkins instance. Jenkins is a Continious Integration server and seemed strange to me that you are finding your repositories there. I would expect a Nexus url or something.

A possible cause is that you simply misspelt the repository name, or used the wrong repository name entirely

So using the OP's example:

Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not find artifact com.http:httpkit:jar:0.0.1 in internal.
repo (

could actually mean

Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not find internal.repo (