Failed to create maven project: '.../pom.xml' already exists in VFS (IntelliJ)

See Cleaning System Cache page.

  1. Open any project in IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Select "File > Invalidate Caches / Restart ..."
  3. Click on "Invalidate and Restart"


Cleaning out the system caches, keep in mind that:

It results in clearing the local history.

To avoid losing data, check in the changes to your version control system before invalidating caches. Causes a complete rebuild of all the projects ever run in the current version of IntelliJ IDEA.

@Oliver Kocsis note that when you're creating a new maven module, one of the wizard's screen is the below:

IntelliJ module wizard

As shown, the wizard fill the module path like C:\PersonalProjects\cabrunco-repo instead of C:\PersonalProjects\cabrunco-repo\pets.

So, you just need to add \yourModuleName to Content root.