Failed Request Tracing XML fails to display in Internet Explorer (IIS 7.5)

I had the same problem on a fresh install of Windows 2012. However, the freb.xsl file was present in the same folder as the event XML file.

To get it to show the 'nice interface' I had to add "about:internet" to the IE11 trusted sites list, as discussed here:

I found out I was missing the freb.xsl file, so I downloaded one from here (link at the bottom of the page):

Hope someone will find this helpful. :)

If the freb.xsl file is missing from the directory that contains the log files, then the nice interface won't show. Rather than trying to find a website with the latest freb.xsl, I found on this page:

that if you just delete the directory that the xml files are being written to (likely something like C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVC1), then IIS will automatically recreate the directory and write the freb.xsl file when it next creates the next log file.