Factory workers

R, 92 89 bytes


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m <- matrix(runif(100)<1/n,10,10)   #10x10 matrix of TRUE with probability 1/n
                                    #and FALSE with probability 1-1/n
m[1,] <- 0                          #set first row to 0
m <- apply(m,2,cummax)              #take the column cumulative maxima
m <- cbind("|",m,"|\n")             #put "|" as the first and last columns
m <- t(m)                           #transpose m for the write function
cat(m,sep="")                       #print m to stdout, separated by ""

Japt -R, 22 21 20 19 18 bytes


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AÆP=®|!UöêAçTÃû|C     :Implicit input of integer U
A                      :10
 Æ                     :Map the range [0,A)
  P=                   :  Assign to P (initially the empty string)
    ®                  :    Map P
     |                 :      Bitwise OR with
      !                :      The negation of
       Uö              :      A random integer in the range [0,U)
         Ã             :    End Map
          ª            :    OR, for the first element when the above will still be an empty string (falsey)
           Aç          :    Ten times repeat
             T         :      Zero
              Ã        :End Map
               û|      :Centre pad each element with "|"
                 C     :  To length 12
                       :Implicitly join with newlines and output

JavaScript (ES6), 84 bytes


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Recursive version, 88 bytes


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We start with k = s = '5000000000'.

At each iteration:

  • We coerce each character i of s to a number, compute i modulo 5 -- so that the leading 5 is treated like a 0 -- and randomly perform a bitwise OR with 1 with the expected probability 1/n, except on the first iteration.

  • The counter k is right-shifted by 3 bits. We stop the recursion as soon as k = 0, which gives 10 iterations.

    It is important to note that 5000000000 is slightly larger than a 32-bit integer, so it is implicitly converted to 5000000000 & 0xFFFFFFFF = 705032704 just before the first bitwise shift occurs. Hence the following steps:

     step | k
       0  | 705032704
       1  | 88129088
       2  | 11016136
       3  | 1377017
       4  | 172127
       5  | 21515
       6  | 2689
       7  | 336
       8  | 42
       9  | 5
      10  | 0