facebook pixel: PageView vs. ViewContent

@Andrew's answer shows the most useful Facebook page for events.

Watch out because there is another page that shows a similar list of events without even mentioning any parameters. It just says to do fbq('track', 'ViewContent') which is USELESS!

You must do the following to get useful data:

fbq('track', 'ViewContent', { content_name: 'Homepage' });

The PageView event just automatically sends the URL and takes no parameters and is part of the default configuration.

Also be sure to use the 'Test Events' panel to see in real time (instantly!) when your events come through.

enter image description here

The Facebook documentation here explains:


In the documentation it says:

The default pixel code fires the PageView event, which can be used to create Custom Audiences and custom conversions that match referral URLs. This event should not be removed as it may cause disruption to the aforementioned rules.

According to FB, the ViewContent event is for:

When a key page is viewed such as a product page, e.g. landing on a product detail page

Here is an example of the usage of ViewContent


