Facebook App Invites is deprecated

Seems there is no other option for non-game applications but to remove Facebook app invites. Google Firebase invites is good option we integrated recently and used side-by-side with Facebook Invites.

I was just trying to add invites for the first time and struggled for a long time until I realized that I need to do the following:

1 - Use Game Requests ( i.e. apprequests)

2 - Enable "Deep Linking" in Basic Settings page on Facebook developer portal for each platform, you won't see the option unless you also enable "Single Sign On".

Now the notifications open directly into app store if app not installed or into the game directly if it is installed.

The great thing is you don't need an App Link!!

You should also consider using popular messaging apps and other social networks to leverage app invites i.e Whatsapp, Kik, Twitter, Kakao etc. More details here

Our data shows that less than 18% of users prefer inviting via FB AppInvites, whereas the other 82% of users prefer to invite friends via WhatsApp, FB Messenger and other chat applications.

(Disclaimer: I am founder of GetSocial)