Extracting only the BibTex records relevant to the paper

If you want to give a bib file away only including entrys which are cited in a document use package bibexport. If you have a main TeX file mwe.tex and want to create a short bib file short.bib use:

bibexport.sh -o short.bib mwe.aux

You get an resulting bib file short.bib containing only cited/crossreferenced entrys from your main bib file.

One solution would be to use bibtool. It only works with BibTeX though, not Biblatex.

Use the following command to extract relevant entries:

bibtool -x myfile.aux > myfile.bib

Through the compilation a file .bbl is created. There are the relevant references of your manuscript.

You could insert the content of this file directly on the .tex in the place of the bibliography (erasing the command \bibliography{....bib} of your original text).