Extract substring in Bash

If x is constant, the following parameter expansion performs substring extraction:


where 12 is the offset (zero-based) and 5 is the length

If the underscores around the digits are the only ones in the input, you can strip off the prefix and suffix (respectively) in two steps:

tmp=${a#*_}   # remove prefix ending in "_"
b=${tmp%_*}   # remove suffix starting with "_"

If there are other underscores, it's probably feasible anyway, albeit more tricky. If anyone knows how to perform both expansions in a single expression, I'd like to know too.

Both solutions presented are pure bash, with no process spawning involved, hence very fast.

Use cut:

echo 'someletters_12345_moreleters.ext' | cut -d'_' -f 2

More generic:

SUBSTRING=$(echo $INPUT| cut -d'_' -f 2)

Generic solution where the number can be anywhere in the filename, using the first of such sequences:

number=$(echo $filename | egrep -o '[[:digit:]]{5}' | head -n1)

Another solution to extract exactly a part of a variable:


If your filename always have the format stuff_digits_... you can use awk:

number=$(echo $filename | awk -F _ '{ print $2 }')

Yet another solution to remove everything except digits, use

number=$(echo $filename | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]')