Extra argument 'method' in call

I can only refer you to: https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire/issues/1508#issuecomment-246207682

Basically, if one of your parameters is of the wrong type, the swift compiler will assume you're using request(urlRequest:URLRequestConvertible) and then, the method is an extra argument

Go over that parameters again and make sure all is of correct type (Parameters?, ParameterEncoding, and HTTPHeaders)

I was having the same issue, the problem is at parameters type, it should be of type [String: Any]. After I made this change, it worked for me.

 Alamofire.request(youUrl, method: .post, parameters: param as? [String: Any], encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: [:])
                .responseJSON { response in

I got the issue, I have to use JSONEncoding.default instead of .JSON, so the new syntax is

Alamofire.request(urlString,method: .post, parameters: requestParams, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: [:])

It means that some of the parameters type are wrong, check that you are sending these values:

url: String
method: HTTPMethod  (E.g: .post)
parameters: [String:Any]
encoding: ParameterEncoding  (E.g: JSONEncoding.default)
headers: [String: String]