Extending rational Diophantine triples to sextuples

Similar formulas can be obtained by taking multiples $mR$ for the point $R=[0,(t^2+1)^3]$ on the elliptic curve $$ y^2=x^3+(3t^4-21t^2+3)x^2+(3t^8+12t^6+18t^4+12t^2+3)x+(t^2+1)^6. $$ The above formulas (5) and (6) correspond to $m=2$ and $m=3$. Other possible formulas appear if the rank of this curve is $\geq 2$. E.g. if $t=(T^2-6T+1)/(-1+T^2)$, then we get $$ a=\frac{(3T-1)(T-3)(T+1)}{2(T-1)(T^2-6T+1)}, $$ $$ b=\frac{8T(T-1)}{(T+1)(T^2-6T+1)}, $$ $$ c= -\frac{T^2-6T+1}{2(T-1)(T+1)}, $$ (note that in this case the point $P=[0,1]$ on $y^2=(ax+1)(bx+1)(cx+1)$ has finite order, so this triple does not extends to a sextuple by the method from mentioned paper), and $$ a=\frac{2T(T^2-5T+2)^2(T+1)^3}{(2T^2-T+1)(T^2-6T+1)(T^2-8T-1)(T-1)^2}, $$ $$ b=\frac{2(T-3)(T^2-6T+1)(2T^2-T+1)^2}{(T^2-5T+2)(T^2-8T-1)(T-1)^2(T+1)^2}, $$ $$ c=-\frac{(3T-1)(T^2-8T-1)^2(T-1)^3}{2(2T^2-T+1)(T^2-5T+2)(T^2-6T+1)(T+1)^2}. $$

(Answer 1)

After considering this question for a few days, I found an answer. It uses a different family of elliptic curves from Dujella's and yields quadruples that can be extended to sextuples.

I. Theorems:

Theorem 1: "Given a quadruple $a,b,c,d$. Let $x_1,x_2$ be the two roots of,

$$(a b c d x + 2a b c + a + b + c - d - x)^2 = 4(a b + 1)(a c + 1)(b c + 1)(d x + 1)$$

If $x_1x_2+1$ is a square, then $a,b,c,d,x_1,x_2$ is a sextuple."

This is a known result. However, looking at Gibbs' list of $45$ sextuples, I noticed that $12$ of them were special cases.

Theorem 2: "If in Theorem 1, the quadruple $a,b,c,d$ also obeys,

$$(a + b - x_1 - x_2)^2 = 4(a b + 1)(x_1 x_2 + 1)$$

$$(c + d - x_1 - x_2)^2 = 4(c d + 1)(x_1 x_2 + 1)$$

which necessarily implies that $x_1 x_2+1$ is a square, then they have the simple relationship,

$$(a b c d - 3)^2 = 4(a b + c d + 3)$$

II. Elliptic curves:

A family of solutions to $(a b c d - 3)^2 = 4(a b + c d + 3)$ is,

$$a,b,c,d = \frac{2 (3 p^2 + 2p + 3) q}{(p + 1)^2 (q^2 - 1)} ,\;\frac{(p - 1)^2 (q^2 - 1)}{2 (p + 1)^2 q},\\ \frac{(p + 1)^2 (q^2 - 1)}{2 (p - 1)^2 q},\;\frac{2(3 p^2 - 2p + 3)q}{(p - 1)^2 (q^2 - 1)}$$

However, to fulfill Theorem 1 (hence Theorem 2), the $p,q$ must satisfy,

$$1 + p^2 = {z_1}^2\tag1$$

$$1 + \frac{2(17p^4 + 30p^2 + 17)}{(p^2 - 1)^2} q^2 + q^4 = {z_2}^2\tag2$$

The equation $(2)$ has the rational points $q = \frac{p+1}{p-1},\;q = \big(\frac{p+1}{p-1}\big)^2$, etc, thus is birationally equivalent to an elliptic curve so has infinitely many rational points.

III. Example:

Using $ = \frac{p+1}{p-1}$, then choosing rational $p$ to satisfy $(1)$ which is easily done, and applying it to Theorem 1, we get,

$$a= \frac{(n^2 - 2n - 1) (n^2 + 2n + 3) (3 n^2 - 2n + 1)}{4 n (n^2 - 1) (n^2 + 2n - 1)}$$

$$b= \frac{4 n(n^2 - 1) (n^2 - 2n - 1)}{(n^2 + 2n - 1)^3}$$

$$c= \frac{4 n(n^2 - 1) (n^2 + 2n - 1)}{(n^2 - 2n - 1)^3}$$

$$d= \frac{(n^2 + 2n - 1)(n^2 - 2n + 3)(3 n^2 + 2n + 1) }{4 n(n^2 - 1) (n^2 - 2n - 1)}$$

$$x_1 = \frac{-n^5 + 14 n^3 - n}{n^6 - 7n^4 + 7n^2 - 1}$$

$$x_2 =\frac{3 n^6 - 13n^4 + 13n^2 - 3}{4 n (n^4 - 6n^2 + 1)}$$

Ex. For rational $n = \frac{k}{2k+1}$, it seems all terms are positive if $k\geq3$. Thus for $n = \frac{3}{7}$,

$$a,b,c,d,x_1,x_2 = \frac{23001}{280},\;34440,\;\frac{840}{68921},\;\frac{1121}{11480},\;\frac{19383}{1640},\;\frac{2530}{287}$$

and so on for infinitely many sextuples.

(Answer 2)

I found another infinite family. It seems using the relation in Answer 1 is productive, namely to find a suitable triple $a,b,c$, and solve for $d$ in,


Since $cd+1=\frac{ab+1}{(1\pm\sqrt{ab+1})^2}$, then one need only ensure that $ad+1,bd+1$ are squares so Theorems 1 & 2 of Answer 1 can apply.

I. Quadruple:

The new quadruple has one free parameter $n$, and two dependent variables $x,y$,

$$a,\,b = \frac{2 n (x^2 - 1) y}{(n - 1) x (n - y^2)},\;\frac{2 x (n - y^2)}{(n - 1)( x^2 - 1) y}$$

$$c,\,d = \frac{2 (n - 1) x y}{(x^2 - 1 )(n - y^2)},\;\frac{(n + 3) (x^2 - 1) (n - y^2)}{8 x y}$$

Then $x,y$ must satisfy,



where $\color{brown}m=cd=\frac{1}{4}(n-1)(n+3)$.

II. Elliptic curves:

Given some constant $n$, then $(1),(2)$ are elliptic curves, with trivial points like $x_0=1$, and $y_0=1,n$, or those that result in either,

$$(a-b)(a-c)\dots(c-d) = 0\tag3$$


However, there are non-trivial ones like,

$$x_1 = \frac{n - 3}{n + 1},\;\;y_1 = \frac{3 n^2 - 2n + 3}{n^2 + 2n - 7}$$

We cannot pair $x_1,y_1$ together because it would satisfy $(4)$. But we can pair $x_1$ with subsequent rational points of $F(y)=z^2$ like,

$$y_2 = \frac{27 - 54 n + 277 n^2 - 180n^3 - 11 n^4 + 10 n^5 - 5 n^6}{-183 + 230 n - 65 n^2 - 12 n^3 - 41n^4 + 6 n^5 + n^6}$$

and the $y_k$'s numerator degrees are $2,6,12,20$, and so on. So this new family, like the previous one, has infinitely many polynomial solutions.

III. Example:

Let $x = \frac{n - 3}{n + 1}$. For convenience, let $n=\frac{3}{2},\;$ so $x =\tfrac{-3}{5}$ and,

$$F(x) = \big(\tfrac{88}{75}\big)^2 = {t_1}^2\tag5$$

$$F(y) = \tfrac{4}{81}(81 - 92 y^2 + 36 y^4) = {t_2}^2\tag6$$

The elliptic curve $(6)$ has infinitely many rational points and the small ones are trivial. The formula above yields $y_2 = \frac{533}{1247}$, but a smaller non-trivial one is $y = \frac{68}{55}$. Using the smaller, applying Theorem $1$, and getting $z_1,z_2$ of,

$$(a b c d z + 2 a b c + a + b + c - d - z)^2 = 4(a b + 1)(a c + 1)(b c + 1)(d z + 1)\tag7$$


$$a,\,b,\,c,\,d,\,z_1,\,z_2 = \frac{47872}{173},\;\frac{519}{5984},\;\frac{14025}{346},\;\frac{519}{37400},\;\frac{13512232363}{161755000},\;\frac{2759132883}{647020000}$$

A feature of this family is that $ab$ and $cd$ are constants that depend only on $n$. Thus, this example belongs to infinitely many sextuples of form,
