Express: Optional trailing slash for top-level path

I know this is an old question, but I had the same issue and I came up with this:

app.get(['/foo', '/foo/*'], ...);

This will match /foo, /foo/, and anything under /foo/.... I think this is a more readable solution than a regular expression and it communicates clearly what is intended.

It appears that a regular expression is the way to go:

app.get(/^[/]foo(?=$|[/])/, ...);

I had this issue as well and I have to agree that the Regular expression works the best, however with a slight improvement:

app.get('/foo([/].*)?', ...);

This would match:


The /foo/:dummy?* doesn't really take the optional / after foo into account and /foo(/:dummy*)? doesn't really match correctly.

/foo(/:dummy)?* kinda works but creates an extra variable as it has both path and the * in separate variables, which is inexpedient in this case.

So personally I would stick with the Regular expression.

If you want to match them in one pattern:

app.get('/foo(/bar(/baz)?)?', ...)

The default Express behaviour of allowing an optional / at the end applies.

EDIT: how about this?

app.get('/foo/:dummy?*', ...)