Export single .d.ts from several typescript files + entrypoint

You cannot auto-generate a single d.ts file. What works fine is the following (assuming you are building a library / reusable module):

  1. have the compiler auto-generate declarations for your classes by specifying "declaration": true in tsconfig.json

  2. the compiler will also generate an entrypoint.d.ts file (that re-exports the d.tsof classA and classB)

  3. Point the typings entry of your package.json to entrypoint.d.ts e.g. "typings": "./dist/entrypoint.d.ts"

Assuming your library is called library, you can now install it in the node_modules of a project and use it with a standard import:

import {classA, classB} from 'library'

will import the generated d.ts. for those classes.

For anyone who finds this post. You can try npm-dts utility. This should do the trick.

This one worked for me and it was pretty straight forward: https://github.com/TypeStrong/dts-bundle

I tried these without luck:

  • https://github.com/Microsoft/dts-gen
  • https://github.com/SitePen/dts-generator