Export remote Postgres table to CSV file on local machine

Both the approaches already suggested appear to be unnecessarily complicated.

Just use psql's built-in \copy command, which works just like server-side COPY but does a copy over the wire protocol to the client and uses client paths.

Because it's a psql backslash command you omit the trailing semicolon, eg:

\copy products TO '/tmp/products.csv' CSV DELIMITER ','

See the \copy entry in the manual for the psql command and the COPY command documenation for more detail.

Just like COPY you can use \copy with a (SELECT ...) query instead of a table name when copying data out (but not in).

A generally inferior alternative that can be useful in a few limited situations is to use:

psql -t -P format=unaligned -P fieldsep_zero=on -c 'SELECT * FROM tablename'

and use the -o flag or shell output redirection to write the output to a file. You should almost always use \copy in preference to this.

The Linux command is:

psql -h -U username -o file.csv -c 'select id, name from clients;'