Execution failed for task ':flutter_twitter:verifyReleaseResources'

The issue is some library is not compatible or not using androidx while others are. Thanks to google for transferring all support lib to androidx now many libraries having conflicts like this and I mostly go to debug around which lib has an issue like commenting and uncommenting the lib from pubspec.

Assuming the flutter_twitter plugin was the issue.

As we can check that, that twitter plugin not using AndroidX link so we need to change it our self.

(all these changes needs to be changed in twitter plugin, not flutter project)

I think you can change the gradle.properties to use androidx and also compile version to 28 gradle.properties:


add this two lines, change gradle classpath classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.3' and compileSdkVersion 28 in flutter_twitter. I am able to generate release build using that plugin.

Ohh yah you can find your cached version of plugin at /Users/parth.dave/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_twitter_login-1.1.0/ something like this where you can update it. or either open android folder in androidstudio and studio will show you two projects app and twitter where you can update this things.

also sometimes it's better to open android project in android studio and update all things from which you might get errors before running flutter projects.

Problem is with Execution failed for task ':flutter_twitter:verifyReleaseResources'. i found link for this issue flutter_twitter_login/issue #12

Add this dependency in your pubspec.yaml file and let me know this working or not?

  git: git://github.com/eudangeld/flutter_twitter_login.git

You need to update the compileSdkVersion of the flutter_twitter module to 28 :

1/ In your flutter project, locate your "android" folder and open it as an android project in Android Studio.

2/ Expand "Gradle Scripts" and wait for it to load.

3/ Locate "build.gradle (Module: flutter_twitter)"

4/ Modify the compileSdkVersion from 27->28.

5/ Save the changes.

My build worked after that. The answer was here : https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/32595