Exceptions for Entity Framework Code First Migrations

If you are using separate library for data access you need to provide it name when running query:

Add-Migration -StartUpProjectName "Your DAL Project" MyNewMigration

Update-Database -StartUpProjectName "Your DAL Project" -Verbose

add-migration -Name First -ProjectName DbSet.Framework -StartUpProjectName CodeFirstConsole

First: Name of Migration

Dbset.Framework: Project where dbContext and other classes

CodeFirstConsole: Start Up project (could be your web, windows or console app)

For System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) adding -projectname and startupprojectname did not help.

Setting the PackageManager Console's "Default Project" Dropdown to point to the Library (in my case) where I wanted the "Migration folder" and its expected contents to be was the only way to get this running from a multiproject solution.