Exam Class : With Question with images and border

Here is a try with tcolorbox.

  left=-1ex, % left space between content text and box I don't know why -1ex is needed here
  enlarge left by=0pt,
  frame code={%
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color = magenta,rounded corners=2ex] ($(frame.south west) +(-1.2\leftmargin,-.2em)$) rectangle ($(frame.north east)+(.3em,.2em)$);
  left=0ex, % left space between content text and box I don't know why -1ex is needed here

            \node[shape=circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, text=white] (char) {#1};}}
\question[4] Choose the correct reponse:
\begin{choices} \choice Option A
\choice Option B
\choice Option C
\choice Option D
\question[4] Choose the correct reponse just to fill the line of text until the end of line for having some fun and test:
\begin{choices} \choice Option A
\choice Option B
\choice Option C
\choice Option D
{\bfseries Read the following and go to heaven}
\question[4] Choose the correct reponse just to fill the line of text until the end of line for having some fun and test:
\begin{choices} \choice Option A
\choice Option B
\choice Option C
\choice Option D

enter image description here

Caveats: If you want to add background color for questions, then you are in trouble. Also I don't understand why I have to add left=-1ex,.

This is part of the solution. Obviously you would use your own clip art.


        \node[shape=circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, text=white] (char) {#1};}}
\question[4] Choose the correct reponse: 
\begin{choices} \choice Option A
\choice Option B
\choice Option C
\choice Option D

\hspace*{-0.27in}\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=5pt]
\path node[rectangle,draw=black] {\hspace*{.23in}\parbox{5.97in}{
\question[4] Choose the correct reponse: 
\begin{choices} \choice Option A
\choice Option B
\choice Option C
\choice Option D

\hspace*{-0.27in}\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=5pt]
\path node[rectangle,draw=black] {\begin{minipage}{6.2in}
There are many kinds of boats.

One kind of boat is called a sailboat.  It uses wind to move.
Wind makes the sailboat move in the water.  
Wind pushes the sailboat.  Wind fills the sails.
The sailboat moves when the wind blows.

One kind of boat is called a motorboat.
A motorboat uses a motor to move.
The motor gives power to the boat.
The motorboat moves when the motor is running,
The motor makes a loud noise.}

One kind of boat is called a rowboat.
A rowboat needs people to move it.
People make a rowboat move in the water.
People use oars to move a rowboat.
Oars are long and flat.
Oars go into the water.
A rowboat moves when people use the oars.


output page

Considering how complex the above are, is the following all that difficult?




\newcommand{\qbox}{\framebox[0.25in]{\rule{0in}{.2in}} \hspace*{0.1in}}

\newcommand{\question}[2]%#1 = problem number, #2 = statement
{(#1) \qbox
\parbox[t]{\qwidth}{\raggedright #2}

\newcommand{\qmult}[3]%#1 = number, #2 = question, #3 = choices
{(#1) \qbox \parbox[t]{\qwidth}{\raggedright #2}\par

\newcommand{\qchoice}[2]%#1 = letter, #2 = text

\framebox[3in][l]{\rule{0in}{0.25in}\tiny name}\hfill
\framebox[1.5in][l]{\rule{0in}{0.25in}\tiny date}\hfill
\framebox[0.4in][l]{\rule{0in}{0.25in}\tiny period}

{\huge Attitude}

Answer true (T) or false (F).
\question{1}{I'm not going to learn anything, and you can't make me.}
\question{2}{If it's not about sports, video games, pop culture, me or
 my friends, I don't want to hear about it.}
\question{3}{If it's not going to be on the test, I don't need to know it.}
\question{4}{When I try to do math all I can think of is ``I hate this!  
 I hate this!  I hate this!''}
\question{5}{No one I know or admire is any good at math either.}
\question{6}{I enjoy solving puzzles.}

Multiple choice.

\qmult{7}{I won't need an education if I am going to be  \underline{\rule{0.5in}{0pt}} .}{
\qchoice{A}{dead by 21}
\qchoice{B}{a convicted felon}
\qchoice{C}{in a permanent drunken stupor}
\qchoice{D}{on an MTV reality show}
\qmult{8}{Given a choice, I would rather be \underline{\rule{0.5in}{0pt}} .}{
\qchoice{B}{narrow minded}


BTW, I know how to use counters, I just don't like them.