Evaluate $\int_0^\pi\frac{1}{1+(\tan x)^\sqrt2}\ dx$

Indeed this was a Putnam question. The $\sqrt{2}$ is pretty much irrelevant. Notice






$$=\int_0^\pi\left[\frac{\cos(v)^{\sqrt2}}{\cos(v)^{\sqrt2}+\sin(v)^{\sqrt2}}+\frac{\sin(v)^{\sqrt2}}{\sin(v)^{\sqrt2}+\cos(v)^{\sqrt2}}\right]dv=\int_0^\pi\frac{\cos(v)^{\sqrt2}+\sin(v)^{\sqrt2}}{\cos(v)^{\sqrt2}+\sin(v)^{\sqrt2}}dv $$

which is $\int_0^\pi1dv=\pi$. Ultimately, this is a symmetry argument.

This is a Putnam problem from years ago. There is no Calc I solution of which I'm aware. You need to put a parameter (new variable) in place of $\sqrt 2$ and then differentiate the resulting function of the parameter (this is usually called "differentiating under the integral sign"). Most students don't even learn this in Calc III!