ESP8266 Analog read interferes with wifi?

I have found that this was caused by reading the analog pin to many times in a short period of time. I replaced

  ldrState = map(analogRead(ldrPin), ldrMin, ldrMax, 0, 100);
  if (serialCount == 1000) {
    serialCount = 0;
  } else {
    serialCount ++;

with this:

if (serialCount == 10000) {
  ldrState = map(analogRead(ldrPin), ldrMin, ldrMax, 0, 100);
  serialCount = 0;
} else {
  serialCount ++;

Although I thought of this approach before, my mistake was that I was still reading the sensor every time the code loops, I just wasn't printing it to the serial monitor until each 100th loop.

This still gives me a reading several times per second, which is way more then I need. Anyway, now I know that I can't read my ESP8266 Analog pin to many times per second or the wifi will disconnect (at least when using it with the Arduino IDE)

This is an old question that has been answered, but I would like to offer a slightly more elegant solution (IMO!):

In my method which reads the analog data, I check and only read every 50 milliseconds:

void readAnalogSensor() {
   if( millis() % 50 != 0 )
   .  // Do your sensor read and processing here

This avoids having to keep a loop count and seems more deterministic - the loop count value will not necessarily increase in a consistent fashion depending on what else is going on in the loop. Having the millis values available is also useful if you need to implement some button debounce code.