Error while installing Scrapy error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required

UPDATE As some one pointed out in the edit, if you download only the vc_redist.x64.exe it's just 15MB, for that go to "other tools and frameworks" and choose MS Visual C++

solved the problem by installing the tools from here

the thing is that some python modules require C++ tools to compile with a python wrapper around, as they are written in C++.

once the setup is downloaded you can select the specific tools or download other facilities provided.

it's somewhere around 4 GB but solves the purpose if in future you need to use some other module which are made in C++.

Install Using Conda

If you have conda Use: conda install -c anaconda scrapy


Install Using pip

Download at this location

//Download the whl file of same version as Python version here cp27 means python2.7
pip install Twisted-18.9.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl 
pip install scrapy

but the question is what does scrapy has to do with visual studio

Some python modules require a C/C++ compiler to build. That's why you need Visual Studio.

Quoting from Scrapy Installation Guide:

some binary packages that Scrapy depends on (like Twisted, lxml and pyOpenSSL) require a compiler available to install, and fail if you don’t have Visual Studio installed.


