Error when binding using markup extensions: Unknown property encountered while parsing a Markup Extension

It's a bug that can occur with nested MarkupExtensions. Try putting your custom Markup into a separate DLL/Project or use property element syntax.



WPF doesn't handle nested markup extensions too well. To overcome this, you can use your markup extension as an element. It's a bit clumsy and harder to read, but it works:

<RadioButton GroupName="F1" Content="Filter Number One">
        <Binding Path="Filter">
                <local:TrueWhenEqual To={x:Static local:ViewModelClass.Filter1} />

Another way would be to declare your converter and use it as a static resource:

    <local:TrueWhenEqual To={x:Static local:ViewModelClass.Filter1} x:Key="myConverter" />

<RadioButton GroupName="F1" Content="Filter Number One"
             IsChecked="{Binding Filter, Converter={StaticResource myConverter}}" />