ERROR: virtualenvwrapper could not find virtualenv in your path

I am using python3 with virtualenvwrapper installed on Ubuntu 18.04, using pip3 without sudo. If you are in this situation, you might find interesting my configuration.

In the end of my .bashrc I added the following rows (remember to put your username in the YOUR_USERNAME field):

export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Then restart the cli with ctrl-D ctrl-T or reload the config with source ~/.bashrc. Then you should be good to go! Try the installation with:

mkvirtualenv test
workon test
rmvirtualenv test

If you could create and delete a virtual environment, you are ready to go.

Re-installling virtualenv fixed my problem.

I had the same issue.

$ mkvirtualenv mysite
ERROR: virtualenvwrapper could not find virtualenv in your path

After a lot of time consuming efforts, I decided to re-install virtualenv.

sudo apt install virtualenv

This fixed my issues. I already had virtualenv installed. But I think it got broken or met with some errors.