Error parsing lifecycle processing instructions

There is some dependency got corrupted into .m2 folder.

  • You need to delete that dependency from .m2 folder.
  • If you are not able to find which one is corrupted then delete all the dependency which are declared into pom.xml file.

It is due to an older version of m2e-wtp integration plugin. To resolve the issue, in Eclipse(Neon) you can go to Help --> Install New Software.. --> Enter in the Work with box and press enter. Tick all the checkboxes, install the plugins and restart the IDE. It should work. Similarly, for other versions, you might refer the following link and try the latest/previous builds depending on your Eclipse version.

Take a look at eclipse web

The m2eclipse-wtp project has moved to the Eclipse Foundation. The m2eclipse-wtp plugin is now deprecated in favor of the newer m2e-wtp

Automatic installation from the marketplace has been suspended. m2eclipse-wtp 0.15.3 can be manually installed from

You need to first uninstall all m2e-wtp plugins in Eclipse, then install them from jboss url

This issue was driving me insane, I've finally managed to solve it by deleting the whole maven repository located in:

Windows: c:\Users\<username>\.m2\

After that I just updated the project (Alt+F5 in Eclipse). Issue gone!

Maybe a clash of different versions of Maven (I use several different versions of Eclipse + m2e plugins).



