Error on git push = ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)

It looks like the branch management (one of the admin settings) in bitbucket has been configured to only allow certain people to push directly to master.

Try creating a branch - git checkout -b test, create your test commit and push git push origin test:test. You can always cleanly delete this branch once you have completed the test.

The other option (probably best agreeing with whoever set this up) is you go to bitbucket and head to admin, branch management and remove master be to limited. cf -

Just reporting another case leading to the specified error. If the Bitbucket repository size reaches 2 GB, Bitbucket itself restricts the repository to read-only access. When that happens, contributors with read/write permissions are not able to push and get the "pre-receive hook declined" error.

I also found these documents from Atlassian:

Links include a guide on how to restore the repo back to full functionality


