Error: Maven: Non parseable POM ... expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT

So I popped this into eclipse and it looks fine

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

In your screen capture your syntax highlight for the <?xml?> is off at the end. Do you happen to have a newline character before that very first line?

Or if you copied pasted it from somewhere else that formats the text differently than your IDE (i.e. UNIX/OSX vs Dos/Windows) then that may cause issues too.

If you can build your project in your local but you cannot build in Jenkins environment:

  • Check if there are any problematic character at the specified line:

Resolution: open your pom file in an editor like np++ to show special characters and removed those characters from your code.

  • If not, its Possibly be due to SCM conflicts.

Resolution: Go to Project Build configuration and change the "Check-Out Strategy" within Source Code Management. Use the strategy to first clean checkout instead of just update. Very Likely it should fix the problem that might have arose due to SCM conflicts.