Error itms-90035 - Xcode

This happened to me after updating to the latest Xcode (6.3.1). It's not just .sh files, as I was getting these errors about node scripts. It appears that ANY file that starts with #!/usr/bin/env will cause these errors. I was able to cause arbitrary errors by adding a #! to a random file.

Temporarily deleting the #!/usr/bin/env directive from the top of the files will work but you'll want a better long-term solution :)

You'll have to fix it by dealing with each script file case-by-case for what makes sense in your project.

As noted above this could be a temporary problem on Apple's side, not necessarily related to Xcode version.

I had the same problem, turns out that one of my libraries installed via bower includes a .sh file, which is not needed. I have just deleted the file and everything has been uploaded successfully.

Seems like that Apple now enforces developers to have .sh files in their apps signed. As Cordova/Phonegap app don't need any of them, you can safely delete them.