Error deploying Angular4 to ghpages using angular-cli-ghpages

I solved this by added the following to the end of the scripts object in package.json,

"scripts": {

   "deploy": "ng build --prod --base-href && angular-cli-ghpages --branch 

and then ran,

$sudo npm run deploy

So it seems that what was needed was the '--branch gh-pages' as an option, but there is nothing to suggest this on the npm page for angular-cli-ghpages.

Note if running these command separately without going through package.json I found it doesn't work,

$ sudo ng build --prod --base-href

$ sudo angular-cli-ghpages --branch gh-pages

Got help from a blog post on

After git push origin master gh - page deploy step 1:"ng build --prod --base-href"

step 2: "ngh --dir dist/project-name"

replace project-name and username of with github username, project-name