Error: ADB exited with exit code 1 Performing Streamed Install

Flutter had a new update (I think last night), run flutter upgrade in the terminal and it should work fine (at least that did it for me).

Docs: To update both the Flutter SDK and the packages that your app depends on, use the flutter upgrade command from the root of your app (the same directory that contains the pubspec.yaml file)

Actually, the answer lies in the error message of your question:

[ADB: failed to install /Users/rahama/development/flutter_uber_clone/build/app/outputs/apk/app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE]Error launching the application on Android SDK built for x86.]

Your Emulator is running out of space, clear its cache:

  1. Click on AVD Manager
  2. Wipe Data (Your Target Device )

How To Wipe Your Device Data

You are set to go..