eqnarray with subnumber

Avoid eqnarray! Use the align environment inside the subequations environment from the amsmath package.

\usepackage{mathtools}   % loads »amsmath«

      (a+b)^2 &= a^2+2ab+b^2 \\
      (a-b)^2 &= a^2-2ab+b^2  \\
      (a+b)(a-b) &= a^2-b^2 

amsmath has an environment subequations that will do what you want:

 eq \\
 eq \\

some observations:

  • you don't want blank lines withn the scope of display math; they will result in error messages.
  • you don't want \\ at the end of the last line, or you'll end up with too much space below the display.
  • it would really be better to use one of the multi-line display structures provided by amsmath rather than eqnarray (see this article for the reasons why).

to find out what structures are provided by amsmath, if you have a tex live installation, type texdoc amsmath at a command line prompt.

The second look (with a, b, c ... appended to the "main" equation number) can be achieved with the subequations environment of the amsmath package. The following MWE (minimum working example) demonstrates the basic usage of this package:

a &= b\\
c &= d\\
e &= f

enter image description here

Finally: Don't use the eqnarray environment -- use the align environment instead. The eqnarray environment has several severe shortcomings; for a justification of this assertion see, for instance, "\eqnarray vs \align".