Environment variables for list in spring boot configuration

a bit late for the show but, I was facing the same problem and this solves it


MY_FOO_1_ = my.foo[1]

MY_FOO_1_BAR = my.foo[1].bar

MY_FOO_1_2_ = my.foo[1][2]`

So, for the example in the question:

      name: topic-01
      id: id-1
      name: topic-02
      id: id-2
      name: topic-03
      id: id-3

The environment variables should look like this:


Suggestion, don't overcomplicate.

Say you want that list as an Environment variable. You'd set it using


You then can recover it using the injected Environment Bean, and create a new List<String> Bean

List<String> topics(final Environment environment) {
    final var topics = environment.getProperty("topics", "");
    return Arrays.asList(topics.split(","));

From now on, that List can be @Autowired.
You can also consider creating your custom qualifier annotation, maybe @Topics.


class TopicService {
   private List<String> topics;


Or even

class TopicService {
   private final List<String> topics;

   TopicService(@Topics final List<String> topics) {
      this.topics = topics;


What you could do is use an externalized file.
Pass to the environment parameters the path to that file.


Than use the Environment Bean to recover that path. Read the file content and ask Jackson to deserialize it

You'd also need to create a simple Topic class

public class Topic {
    public String name;
    public String id;

Which represents an element of this JSON array

        "name": "topic-1",
        "id": "id-1"
        "name": "topic-2",
        "id": "id-2"

List<Topic> topics(
        final Environment environment,
        final ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws IOException {
    // Get the file path
    final var topicsPath = environment.getProperty("topicsPath");

    if (topicsPath == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    // Read the file content
    final var json = Files.readString(Paths.get(topicsPath));

    // Convert the JSON to Java objects
    final var topics = objectMapper.readValue(json, Topic[].class);
    return Arrays.asList(topics);

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