Enum.valueOf in Kotlin

Crash-safe Solution

Create an extension and then call valueOf<MyEnum>("value"). If the type is invalid, you'll get null and have to handle it

inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String): T? {
    return try {
        java.lang.Enum.valueOf(T::class.java, type)
    } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {

Alternatively, you can set a default value, calling valueOf<MyEnum>("value", MyEnum.FALLBACK), and avoiding a null response. You can extend your specific enum to have the default be automatic

inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String, default: T): T {
    return try {
        java.lang.Enum.valueOf(T::class.java, type)
    } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {

Or if you want both, make the second:

inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> valueOf(type: String, default: T): T = valueOf<T>(type) ?: default

Your function works if you specify the type parameter value explicitly:

val value = safeValueOf<TestEnum>("test")

The original code is supposed to work as well, but doesn't work because of a bug in the type inference implementation: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-11218

I would typically add something like this to enum:

companion object {
    fun from(type: String?): TestEnum = values().find { it.name == type } ?: DEFAULT

this would make a clean call

val value = TestEnum.from("test")

of course you can make it return null



