Entity Framework VS pure Ado.Net

ADO. Net is an object oriented framework that allows you to interact with database system (SQL, Oracle, etc). Entity framework is a techniques of manipulating data in databases like (collection of queries (inert table name , select * from like this )). it is uses with LINQ.

By following the naming conventions , you will find it's called : ADO.NET Entity Framework , which means that Entity Framework sits on top of ADO.NET so it can't be faster , It may perform both in equal time , but let's look at EF provides :

  • You will no more get stuck with writing queries without any clue about if what you're writing is going to compile or not .
  • It makes you rely on C# or your favorite .NET language on writing your own data constraints that you wish to accept from the target user directly inside your model classes .

Finally : EF and LINQ give a lot of power in maintaining your applications later .

There are three different models with the Entity Framework : Model First , Database First and Code First get to know each of 'em .

-The Point about killing performance when remapping is on process , it's because that on the first run , EF loads metadata into memory and that takes time as it builds in-memory representation of model from edmx file.