Entity Framework - Eager load two many-to-many relationships

Loading the whole graph in one roundtrip would be:

IQueryable<relation> query = context.relations;
query = query.Where( ... ); // filters down to exactly one
query = query.Include(r => r.relation_members
    .Select(rm => rm.way.way_nodes
        .Select(wn => wn.node)));
relation rel = query.SingleOrDefault();

However, since you say that the Include up to ...Select(rm => rm.way) didn't work it is unlikely that this will work. (And if it would work the performance possibly isn't funny due to the complexity of the generated SQL and the amount of data and entities this query will return.)

The first thing you should investigate further is why .Include(r => r.relation_members.Select(rm => rm.way)) doesn't work because it seems correct. Is your model and mapping to the database correct?

The loop to get the nodes via explicit loading should look like this:

foreach (relation_member rm in rel.relation_members) {
    context.Entry(rm).Reference(r => r.way).Query()
        .Include(w => w.way_nodes.Select(wn => wn.node))