Entity Framework Core - IN clause equivalent

LINQ Query

from p in _context.Post
where _context.BlogCategory.Any
                ( bc => bc.PostId == p.PostId 
                  && bc.BlogId == &id
select p;


SELECT PostId FROM BlogCategory
WHERE BlogId = &id);


FROM Post p
      SELECT 1 FROM BlogCategory
      WHERE PostId = p.PostID AND BlogId = &id

You can use a join for the post to blog relationship and then a where clause as the blog filter.

var query = from post in _context.Post
  join blogCat in _context.BlogPost on post.PostId equals blogCat.PostId
  where blogCat.BlogId == blogId
  select post;

var result = await query.ToListAsync();

This is based on your Sql in the top of your code

  SELECT PostId FROM BlogPost WHERE BlogId = &id);

Here is how I would do it in one query based on the information you provided.

var posts = await _context.Post
    .Where(post =>
        _context.BlogPost.Any(bp => bp.BlogId == blogId && bp.PostId == post.PostId)

Here is how I would do it in two queries in order to use Contains based on the information you provided.

var postIds = await _context.BlogPost
    .Where(bp => bp.BlogId = blogId)
    .Select(bp => bp.PostId)
var posts = await _context.Post
    .Where(p => postIds.Contains(p.PostId))

Here is how I would do it in one query if I were using valuable EntityFramework features, and I had a reference property named Post on BlogPost.

var posts = await _context.BlogPost
    .Where(bp => bp.BlogId == blogId)
    .Select(bp => bp.Post)

Here is how I would do it in one query if I were using valuable EntityFramework features, and I had a collection property named Posts from Blog, and the many-many BlogPost table was hidden by EntityFramework in such a way that you never actually interact with it from C#.

var posts = await _context.Blog
    .Where(b => b.BlogId == blogId)
    .SelectMany(b => b.Posts)

On the other hand if the many-many BlogPost table is exposed by EntityFramework then you could still start at the Blog and use properly configured collection and reference properties to get to the posts like so.

var posts = await _context.Blog
    .Where(b => b.BlogId == blogId)
    .SelectMany(b => b.BlogPosts)
    .Select(bp => bp.Post)


var posts = await _context.Blog
    .Where(b => b.BlogId == blogId)
    .SelectMany(b => b.BlogPosts.Select(bp => bp.Post))

Takeaway, EntityFramework is not SQL. What you do in SQL may or may not map directly, or even apply to how you would go about it in EntityFramework. Not only that but when you use EntityFramework you are using EntityFramework and C# language features that are not EntityFramework per se, LINQ for example. Breaking down the problem into its constituent parts can help you solve problems, and make it easier to study up to being able to do more complex operations. Studying and practicing LINQ in isolation will help you be better with EntityFramework.