Entity Framework calling stored procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

It probably should complain about the @user parameter as well if this is the case, but anyway - try to supply the parameter without the @ prefix:

NextSuperGroup supergroup = entities.Database.SqlQuery<NextSuperGroup>(
    "super_group @user, @orderbyUnique",
    new SqlParameter("user", userName),
    new SqlParameter("orderbyUnique", true)

The issue is the SQL that EF is producing for NULL values must not be compatible with our actual Sql Server. I'm using EntityFramework 6, but I don't think the implementation has changed since 4.3.

When I turned on tracing I get the following output after executing similar code to yours above:

exec sp_executesql N'super_group',N'@userName nvarchar(4000)',@userName=default

The issue lies in the "default" value passed instead of "NULL" and the error we see comes from SQL server. If you want a quick fix and don't need named parameters you can just use this:

NextSuperGroup supergroup = entities.Database.SqlQuery<NextSuperGroup>(

Which produces something like this and works nicely:

exec sp_executesql N'super_group',N'@p0 nvarchar(4000)',@p0=NULL

For named parameters, you need to use the sql parameter and set the value or SqlValue property explicitly to DBNull.Value (Crazy I know). Something like this:

var parameter = new SqlParameter("userName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
parameter.SqlValue = username.SqlNullIfEmpty(); // Implemented with an extension method

Hope that helps.

Parameter not passed issue when multiple parameter passed

I was missing 'SPACE' after the first parameter's 'COMMA'

var parameter = new List<object>();
var param = new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", CategoryID);
param = new SqlParameter("@SubCategoryID", SubCategoryID);

List<tbl_Product> QueryResult = db.Database.SqlQuery<tbl_Product>("EXEC SP_GetProducts @CategoryID, @SubCategoryID ", parameter.ToArray()).ToList();