Entity Framework 6 Where in Bulk Update/Delete in one transaction

Unfortunately, this is not supported in Entity Framework out of the box. However, you can use the batch update functionality in the EntityFramework.Extended library:


There's a nuget package available, too.

An example would be:

using EntityFramework.Extensions;


int[] myIds = { 592, 593, 594 };

using (var context = _dataContextFactory.GetContext())
    // Define a filter expression to retrieve matching items
    var filter = context.MyTables.Where(item => myIds.Contains(item.Id));
    // Update the StatusId of matched items
    context.MyTables.Update(filter, i => new Item { StatusId = 3 });

    // NB: no context.SaveChanges() required

NB: there may be a more efficient way of writing this, but I'm still playing with the library. It does compile down to a single SQL statement, however, and the library also includes batched DELETEs.

Finally, don't worry about the new expression. Any properties which are not referenced here will retain their original values.