Ember.Component (block form): more than one outlet {{yield}}

Since it is not possible to have two {{yield}} helpers within one component (how would the component know where one {{yield}}'s markup stops and the next one begins?) you may be able to approach this problem from a different direction.

Consider the pattern of nested components. Browsers do this already with great success. Take, for example, the <ul> and <li> components. A <ul> wants to take many bits of markup and render each one like a member of a list. In order to accomplish this, it forces you to separate your itemized markup into <li> tags. There are many other examples of this. <table>, <tbody>, <tr>, <td> is another good case.

I think you may have stumbled upon a case where you can implement this pattern. For example:

     ... some markup

    ... some other markup

Obviously first-thing and second-thing are terrible names for your specialized components that represent the things you'd want to wrap with your first and second templates. You get the idea.

Do be careful since the nested components won't have access to properties within the outer component. You'll have to bind values with both outer and inner components if they are needed in both.

This blog post describes the most elegant solution for Ember 1.10+: https://coderwall.com/p/qkk2zq/components-with-structured-markup-in-ember-js-v1-10

In your component you pass yield names into {{yield}}s:

  {{yield "header"}}

<div class="body">
  {{yield "body"}}

  {{yield "footer"}}

When you invoke your component, you accept the yield name as a block param... and use an esleif chain!

{{#my-comp as |section|}}
  {{#if (eq section "header")}}
    My header
  {{else if (eq section "body")}}
    My body
  {{else if (eq section "footer")}}
    My footer

PS eq is a subexpression helper from the must-have ember-truth-helpers addon.

PPS Relevant RFC: proposal, discussion.